- Hu, D.L. How to Walk on Water and Climb up Walls: Animal Movement and the Robots of the Future. (2018). Princeton University Press. Editor: Alison Kalett. Global release date November 13, 2018. $24 on
- • Hu, D.L. (author) Arahovitis, I. (Illustrator). (2023) The P Word: A Manual for Mammals. Science, Naturally. Editor: Dia Michels
Journal articles
- Noel, A., Lieb, J., Seleb, B., Thatcher, M., Kim, S., Asberry, A. T., Nadler, J., & Hu, D. L. (2024). Enhanced wet grip with North American river otter paws. Ann NY Acad Sci., 1–9. pdf
- Schulz, A. K., Shriver, C., Stathatos, S., Seleb, B., Weigel, E. G., Chang, Y.-H., Saad Bhamla, M., Hu, D. L., & Mendelson, J. R. (2023). Conservation tools: The next generation of engineering–biology collaborations. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 20(205), 20230232. pdf
- Jadali, N., Zhang, M. J., Schulz, A. K., Meyerchick, J., & Hu, D. L. (2023). ForageFeeder: A low-cost open source feeder for randomly distributing food. HardwareX, 14, e00405. pdf
- Yang, P. J., Chen, T. G., Bracher, S. B., Hui, A., & Hu, D. L. (2023). Urinary flow through urethras with a rough lumen. Neurourology and Urodynamics. pdf
- Kim, S., & Hu, D. L. (2023). Onggi’s permeability to carbon dioxide accelerates kimchi fermentation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 20(201), 20230034. pdf
- Kim, S., Mukherjee, S., Fonollosa, J., & Hu, D. L. (2023). Canine-inspired Unidirectional Flows for Improving Memory Effects in Machine Olfaction. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icad016. pdf
- Schulz, A.K., Reidenberg, J.S., Wu, J.N., Tang, C.Y., Seleb, B., Mancebo, J., Elgart, N. and Hu, D.L., 2023. Elephant trunks use an adaptable prehensile grip. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 18(2), p.026008. pdf
- Magondu, B., Lee, A., Schulz, A., Cervantes, G., Meng, M., Kaminski, C., Yang, P., Carver, S. and Hu, D.L. (2023). Drying dynamics of pellet feces. Soft Matter, 19(4), 723-732. pdf
- Mohebbi, N., Schulz, A., Spencer, T., Pos, K., Mandel, A., Casas, J., and Hu, D. L. (2022). The scaling of olfaction: Moths have relatively more olfactory surface area than mammals. Integrative and Comparative Biology, accepted. pdf
- Ko, H., Yu, T. Y., & Hu, D. L. (2022). Fire ant rafts elongate under fluid flows. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 17(4), 045007. pdf
- Schulz, A., Greiner, C., Seleb, B., Shriver, C., Hu, D., & Moore, R. (2022). Toward the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Conservation Technology for Design Teaching & Learning. pdf
- Schulz, A.K., Boyle, M., Boyle, C., Sordilla, S., Rincon, C., Hooper, S., Aubuchon, C., Reidenberg, J.S., Higgins, C. and Hu, D.L., 2022. Skin wrinkles and folds enable asymmetric stretch in the elephant trunk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(31), p.e2122563119. pdf
- Zong, L., Wu, J., Yang, P., Ren, J., Shi, G., Ge, S., & Hu, D. L. (2022). Jumping of flea beetles onto inclined platforms. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 1-11. pdf
- Ko, H., Hadgu, M., Komilian, K., & Hu, D. L. (2022). Small fire ant rafts are unstable. Physical Review Fluids, 7(9), 090501. pdf
- Schulz, A. K., Shriver, C., Aubuchon, C., Weigel, E. G., Kolar, M., Mendelson III, J. R., & Hu, D. L. (2022). A Guide for Successful Research Collaborations between Zoos and Universities. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 62(5), 1174-1185. pdf
- Yang, P.J., Lee, A.B., Chan, M., Kowalski, M., Qiu, K., Waid, C., Cervantes, G., Magondu, B., Biagioni, M., Vogelnest, L. and Martin, A., 2021. Intestines of non-uniform stiffness mold the corners of wombat feces. Soft Matter. pdf
- Spencer, T. L., Clark, A., Fonollosa, J., Virot, E., & Hu, D. L. (2021). Sniffing speeds up chemical detection by controlling air-flows near sensors. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-10 pdf
- Schulz, A. K., Ning Wu, J., Ha, S. Y. S., Kim, G., Braccini Slade, S., Rivera, S., Reidenberg, J. & Hu, D. L. (2021). Suction feeding by elephants. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(179), 20210215. pdf
- Matherne, M., Dowell-Esquivel, C., Howington, O., Lenaghan, O., Steinbach, G., Yunker, P. J., & Hu, D. L. (2021). Biomechanics of pollen pellet removal by the honey bee. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(181), 20210549. pdf
- Ko, H., Cassidy, G. J., Shishkov, O., Aydin, E., Hu, D. L., & Goldman, D. I. (2021). Air-fluidized aggregates of black soldier fly larvae. Frontiers in Physics, 663. pdf
- Ko, H., Komilian, K., Waters, J. S., and Hu, D. L. (2021). Metabolic scaling and thermal performance of fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) engaged in collective behaviors. Biology Open.11(2), bio059076. pdf
- Spencer, T. L., Mohebbi, N., Jin, G., Forister, M. L., Alexeev, A., & Hu, D. L. (2020). Moth-inspired methods for particle capture on a cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884. pdf
- Ko, H., & Hu, D. L. (2020). The physics of tossing fried rice. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17(163), 20190622. pdf
- Shishkov, O., & Hu, D. L. (2020). Synchronizing pile formation of black soldier fly larvae. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 229, 2779-2789. pdf
- Shishkov, O., Hu, M. Johnson, C. & Hu, D.L. (2019) Black soldier fly larvae feed by forming a fountain around food. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. pdf
- Shishkov, O., Trebuchon, J., Yunker, P. J., Franklin, S., & Hu, D. L. (2019). Black soldier fly larvae rearrange under compression. Integrative and comparative biology, 59(6), 1646-1652. pdf
- Hu, D. L. (2019) Review of Living Machines. Quarterly Review of Biology. pdf
- Hu, D. L. (2019) Review of Introductory Physics for Biological Scientists. Quarterly Review of Biology. pdf
- Wu, J., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., Shumate, D.,Slade, S., Franklin, S.V., and Hu, D.L. (2018) Elephant trunks form joints to squeeze together small objects. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 15(147), 20180377.* pdf
- Berendes, P. Yang, A. Lai, D. Hu, J. Brown. (2018) Estimating global recoverable human and animal fecal biomass. Nature Sustainability, 1, 679-685. pdf
- Noel, A. C.and Hu, D. L. (2018) Cats use hollow papillae to wick saliva into fur. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.115(49). pdf
- Lee, A. B., & Hu, D. L. (2018). Bubble stabilization by the star-nosed mole. Physical Review Fluids, 3(12), 123101. pdf
- Matherne, M.E., Cockerill, K., Zhou, Y., Bellamkonda, M. and Hu, D.L. (2018) “Mammal repel mosquitoes with their tails.” Journal of Experimental Biology. pdf
- Yang, P., Lemons, M., Hu, D. L. (2018) Rowing jellyfish contract to maintain neutral buoyancy. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. Vol 8. pdf
- Noel, A., Hu, D.L. (2018). The tongue as a gripper. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221(7), jeb176289. pdf
- Ren, J., de Gunten, N., Konstantinov, A.S. Vencl, F. V., Ge, S., Hu, D. L. (2018) Chewing holes for camouflage. Zoological Science. pdf
- Spencer, T.L., Lee, A. Hu, D.L. (2018) A biomimetic nose for advanced threat detection. HDIAC Journal. pdf
- Phonekeo, S., Mlot, N., Monaenkova, D., Hu, D.L., Tovey, C. (2017) Fire ants perpetually rebuild sinking towers. Soc. open sci. 2017 4 170475; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170475. pdf
- Noel, A., Guo, H.-Y., Mandica, M., Hu, D.L. (2017) Frogs use a viscoelastic tongue and non-Newtonian saliva to catch prey. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2017 14 20160764; DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0764. pdf
- Amador, Guillermo J., and David L. Hu. “Sticky Solution Provides Grip for the First Robotic Pollinator.” Chem 2.2 (2017): 162-164. pdf
- Amador, G., Matherne, M., Waller, D., Mathews, M., Gorb, S., Hu, D.L. (2017). Honeybee hairs are essential for pollen capture and removal. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics12 (2): 026015. pdf
- Yang, P.J., LaMarca, M., Kaminski, C., Chu, D., Hu, D.L. (2017) The Hydrodynamics of Defecation. Soft Matter. pdf
- Tennebaum, M., Liu, Z., Hu, D.L. Fernandez-Nieves, A. (2016) Mechanics of fire ant aggregations. Nature Materials. 15, 54–59 doi:10.1038/nmat4450 pdf
- Hu, D. L., Lefton, L., & Ludovice, P. J. (2016). Humour Applied to STEM Education. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. pdf
- Marvi, H., Cook, J. P., Streator, J. L., & Hu, D. L. (2016). Snakes move their scales to increase friction. Biotribology, 5, 52-60. pdf
- Hu, D. L., Phonekeo, S., Altshuler, E., & Brochard-Wyart, F. (2016). Entangled active matter: From cells to ants. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 225(4), 629-649. pdf
- Phonekeo, S., Dave, T., Kern, M., Franklin, S.V. and Hu, D.L. (2016). Ant aggregations self-heal to compensate for Ringlemann Effect. Soft Matter. 12(18) :4214-20. doi: 10.1039/c6sm00063k.pdf
- Hu, D.L. (2016) A Fish Grew Legs and Other Tales. BioScience 2016; 66 (9): 792-793. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw094
- Hu, D.L. (2016) Confessions of a Wasteful Scientist. Scientific American link
- Dickerson, A.K, Shankles, P.G., Berry Jr, B.E., Hu, D.L. (2015) Fog and dense gas disrupt mosquito flight due to increased aerodynamic drag on halters. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2015.03.016 pdf
- Amador, G., Mao, W., DeMercurio, P., Montero, C., Clewis, J., Alexeev, A., Hu, D.L. (2015) Eyelashes divert airflow to protect the eye. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 20141294. pdf
- Dickerson, A.K., Liu, X., Zhu, T., Hu, D.L. Fog spontaneously folds mosquito wings. (2015) Physics of Fluids 27, 021901 pdf
- Guillermo, A.J., Durand, F., Mao, W., Sindhu, P, Hidetoshi, T., Vinh-Thanh, N., Shimayama, I., Alexeev, A., Hu, D.L. (2015) Insects have hairy eyes that reduce particle deposition. European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 224, 3361–3377 pdf
- Guillermo, A.J. and Hu, D.L. (2015) Cleanliness is next to godliness: mechanisms for staying clean. Journal of Experimental Biology. pdf
- Yang, P.J., Pham, J., Choo, J., Hu, D.L. (2014) Duration of urination does not change with body size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. pdf
- Dickerson, A.D., Hu, D.L. (2014) Mosquitoes actively remove drops deposited by fog and dew. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi: 10.1093/icb/icu042 pdf
- Foster, P. C., Mlot, N. J., Lin, A. and Hu, D. L. (2014). Fire ants actively control spacing and orientation within self-assemblages. Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 2089-2100. pdf
- Dickerson, A.D., Shankles, P., Hu, D. L. (2014) “Raindrops push and splash flying insects.” Physics of Fluids. 26, 027104. pdf
- Levy, R., Lichtman, F., Hu, D.L. (2014) The Scientist-Reporter Collaboration: A Scientist’s Guide to Working with the Press. Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) News, Volume 47, Number 3, April 2014, pages 5-7. pdf
- • Marvi, H, Bridges, J., Hu, D.L. (2013) “Snakes mimic earthworms: Propulsion using Rectilinear Traveling Waves, ” Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 10: 20130188 pdf
- • Amador, G., Yamada, Y., McCurley, M., Hu, D. L. (2013) Raindrop acceleration in splash-cup seed dispersal. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Interface. 10: 20120880. pdf
- Dickerson, A., Mills, Z. & Hu, D. L. (2012) Wet mammals shake at tuned frequencies to dry. Journal of the Royal Society Interface pdf
- Dickerson, A., Shankles, P., Madhaven, N., Hu, D. L. (2012) Mosquitoes survive raindrop collisions by virtue of their low mass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (25) 9822-9827. pdf
- Marvi, H. & Hu, D. L. (2012) Friction enhancement in concertina locomotion of snakes. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. pdf
- Gravish, N., Franklin, S.V., Hu, D.L. & Daniel I. Goldman. (2012) Entangled granular media. Physical Review Letters. 108, 208001 (journal cover). pdf
- West, D., Lal, I., Leamy, M. & Hu, D.L. (2012) Locomotion of Mexican Jumping Beans. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. 7: 036014 (12pp). pdf
- Hu, D.L. (2012) Electromechanics for the Twenty-first century. Bioscience. 62 (1): 94-95. pdf
- Hobbs, W. & Hu, D.L. (2012) Tree-inspired Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 20: 103-114. pdf
- Marvi, H., Meyers, G., Russell, G. & Hu, D.L. (2011) Scalybot: a snake-inspired robot with active frictional anisotropy. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference Proceedings. pdf
- Niu, J & Hu, D.L. (2011) Drag reduction of a hairy disk. Physics of Fluids. 23: 101701 (4 pages). pdf
- Hu, D.L., Sielert, K., Gordon, M. (2011) The strength of turtle shells and mammal skulls. Journal of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 6 (9-10): 1197-1211. pdf
- Mlot, N.J., Tovey, C.A, Hu, D. L. (2011). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 108: 7669-7673. pdf
- Hu, D. L. Richards, P. & Alexeev, A. (2011). Mechanics of giant pumpkins: how extreme weight determines shape. International Journal of Nonlinear Science. pdf
2009 – 2010
- Goldman, D. I. & Hu, D. L. (2010). Wiggling through the world. American Scientist 98, 314–323. pdf
- Bush, J. W. M. & Hu, D. L. (2010). Walking on water. Physics Today 63, 62–63. pdf • Hu, D. L. & Bush, J. W. M. (2010). The hydrodynamics of water-walking arthropods. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 644: 5-33. pdf
- Hu, D.L., Nirody, J., Scott, T., Shelley, M.J. (2009). The mechanics of slithering locomotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 106, 10081-10085. pdf
2006 – 2008
- Bush, J.W.M., Hu, D.L. and Prakash, M. (2008). The Integument of Water-walking Arthropods: Form and Function, Advances in Insect Physiology, 34, 117-192. pdf
- Hu, D.L., Goreau, T., Bush, J.W.M. (2008). Flow visualization using tobacco mosaic virus. Experiments in Fluids. 46: 477-484. pdf
- Hu, D.L., Prakash, M., Chan, B. and Bush, J.W.M. (2007). Water-walking devices, Experiments in Fluids. 43:769–778. pdf
- Bush J.W.M., Hu D.L. (2006). Walking on water: Biolocomotion at the interface. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 38: 339-369. pdf
2001 – 2005
- Hu, DL., Bush J.W.M. (2005). Meniscus-climbing insects. Nature. 437: 733-736. pdf
- Hu, D.L., Mendel L., Chan B., Goreau T., Bush, J.W.M. (2005). Visualization of a fish wake using tobacco mosaic virus. Physics of Fluids. 17: 091103. pdf
- Hu, D.L., Chan B., Bush J.W.M. (2003). The hydrodynamics of water strider locomotion. Nature. 424: 663-666. pdf
- Hu, D.L., Chan B, Bush J.W.M. (2003). Water-walking. Physics of Fluids. 15 (9): S10. pdf