
  1. Hu, D.L. How to Walk on Water and Climb up Walls: Animal Movement and the Robots of the Future. (2018).  Princeton University Press.  Editor: Alison Kalett. Global release date November 13, 2018.  $24 on
  2. • Hu, D.L. (author) Arahovitis, I. (Illustrator). (2023) The P Word: A Manual for Mammals. Science, Naturally. Editor: Dia Michels

Journal articles


  1. Noel, A.,  Lieb, J.,  Seleb, B.,  Thatcher, M.,  Kim, S.,  Asberry, A. T.,  Nadler, J., &  Hu, D. L. (2024).  Enhanced wet grip with North American river otter paws. Ann NY Acad Sci.,  1–9. pdf


  1. Schulz, A. K., Shriver, C., Stathatos, S., Seleb, B., Weigel, E. G., Chang, Y.-H., Saad Bhamla, M., Hu, D. L., & Mendelson, J. R. (2023). Conservation tools: The next generation of engineering–biology collaborations. Journal of The Royal Society Interface20(205), 20230232. pdf
  2. Jadali, N., Zhang, M. J., Schulz, A. K., Meyerchick, J., & Hu, D. L. (2023). ForageFeeder: A low-cost open source feeder for randomly distributing food. HardwareX14, e00405. pdf
  3. Yang, P. J., Chen, T. G., Bracher, S. B., Hui, A., & Hu, D. L. (2023). Urinary flow through urethras with a rough lumen. Neurourology and Urodynamics. pdf
  4. Kim, S., & Hu, D. L. (2023). Onggi’s permeability to carbon dioxide accelerates kimchi fermentation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface20(201), 20230034. pdf
  5. Kim, S., Mukherjee, S., Fonollosa, J., & Hu, D. L. (2023). Canine-inspired Unidirectional Flows for Improving Memory Effects in Machine Olfaction. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icad016. pdf
  6. Schulz, A.K., Reidenberg, J.S., Wu, J.N., Tang, C.Y., Seleb, B., Mancebo, J., Elgart, N. and Hu, D.L., 2023. Elephant trunks use an adaptable prehensile grip. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics18(2), p.026008. pdf
  7. Magondu, B., Lee, A., Schulz, A., Cervantes, G., Meng, M., Kaminski, C., Yang, P., Carver, S. and Hu, D.L. (2023). Drying dynamics of pellet feces. Soft Matter19(4), 723-732. pdf


  1. Mohebbi, N., Schulz, A., Spencer, T., Pos, K., Mandel, A., Casas, J., and Hu, D. L. (2022). The scaling of olfaction: Moths have relatively more olfactory surface area than mammals. Integrative and Comparative Biology, accepted. pdf
  2. Ko, H., Yu, T. Y., & Hu, D. L. (2022). Fire ant rafts elongate under fluid flows. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics17(4), 045007. pdf
  3. Schulz, A., Greiner, C., Seleb, B., Shriver, C., Hu, D., & Moore, R. (2022). Toward the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Conservation Technology for Design Teaching & Learning. pdf
  4. Schulz, A.K., Boyle, M., Boyle, C., Sordilla, S., Rincon, C., Hooper, S., Aubuchon, C., Reidenberg, J.S., Higgins, C. and Hu, D.L., 2022. Skin wrinkles and folds enable asymmetric stretch in the elephant trunk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119(31), p.e2122563119. pdf
  5. Zong, L., Wu, J., Yang, P., Ren, J., Shi, G., Ge, S., & Hu, D. L. (2022). Jumping of flea beetles onto inclined platforms. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 1-11. pdf
  6. Ko, H., Hadgu, M., Komilian, K., & Hu, D. L. (2022). Small fire ant rafts are unstable. Physical Review Fluids7(9), 090501. pdf
  7. Schulz, A. K., Shriver, C., Aubuchon, C., Weigel, E. G., Kolar, M., Mendelson III, J. R., & Hu, D. L. (2022). A Guide for Successful Research Collaborations between Zoos and Universities. Integrative and Comparative Biology62(5), 1174-1185. pdf


  1. Yang, P.J., Lee, A.B., Chan, M., Kowalski, M., Qiu, K., Waid, C., Cervantes, G., Magondu, B., Biagioni, M., Vogelnest, L. and Martin, A., 2021. Intestines of non-uniform stiffness mold the corners of wombat feces. Soft Matter. pdf
  2. Spencer, T. L., Clark, A., Fonollosa, J., Virot, E., & Hu, D. L. (2021). Sniffing speeds up chemical detection by controlling air-flows near sensors. Nature Communications12(1), 1-10 pdf
  3. Schulz, A. K., Ning Wu, J., Ha, S. Y. S., Kim, G., Braccini Slade, S., Rivera, S., Reidenberg, J. & Hu, D. L. (2021). Suction feeding by elephants. Journal of the Royal Society Interface18(179), 20210215. pdf
  4. Matherne, M., Dowell-Esquivel, C., Howington, O., Lenaghan, O., Steinbach, G., Yunker, P. J., & Hu, D. L. (2021). Biomechanics of pollen pellet removal by the honey bee. Journal of the Royal Society Interface18(181), 20210549. pdf
  5. Ko, H., Cassidy, G. J., Shishkov, O., Aydin, E., Hu, D. L., & Goldman, D. I. (2021). Air-fluidized aggregates of black soldier fly larvae. Frontiers in Physics, 663. pdf
  6. Ko, H., Komilian, K., Waters, J. S., and Hu, D. L. (2021). Metabolic scaling and thermal performance of fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) engaged in collective behaviors. Biology Open.11(2), bio059076. pdf


  1. Spencer, T. L., Mohebbi, N., Jin, G., Forister, M. L., Alexeev, A., & Hu, D. L. (2020). Moth-inspired methods for particle capture on a cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884. pdf
  2. Ko, H., & Hu, D. L. (2020). The physics of tossing fried rice. Journal of the Royal Society Interface17(163), 20190622. pdf
  3. Shishkov, O., & Hu, D. L. (2020). Synchronizing pile formation of black soldier fly larvae. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 229, 2779-2789. pdf


  1.  Shishkov, O., Hu, M. Johnson, C. & Hu, D.L. (2019) Black soldier fly larvae feed by forming a fountain  around food.  Journal of the Royal Society Interface. pdf
  2. Shishkov, O., Trebuchon, J., Yunker, P. J., Franklin, S., & Hu, D. L. (2019). Black soldier fly larvae rearrange under compression. Integrative and comparative biology59(6), 1646-1652. pdf
  3. Hu, D. L. (2019) Review of Living Machines. Quarterly Review of Biology. pdf
  4. Hu, D. L. (2019) Review of Introductory Physics for Biological Scientists. Quarterly Review of Biology. pdf


  1. Wu, J., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., Shumate, D.,Slade, S., Franklin, S.V., and Hu, D.L. (2018) Elephant trunks form joints to squeeze together small objects. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 15(147), 20180377.* pdf
  2. Berendes, P. Yang, A. Lai, D. Hu, J. Brown. (2018) Estimating global recoverable human and animal fecal biomass. Nature Sustainability, 1, 679-685. pdf
  3. Noel, A. C.and Hu, D. L. (2018) Cats use hollow papillae to wick saliva into fur. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.115(49). pdf
  4. Lee, A. B., & Hu, D. L. (2018). Bubble stabilization by the star-nosed mole. Physical Review Fluids3(12), 123101. pdf
  5. Matherne, M.E., Cockerill, K., Zhou, Y., Bellamkonda, M. and Hu, D.L. (2018) “Mammal repel mosquitoes with their tails.” Journal of Experimental Biology. pdf
  6. Yang, P., Lemons, M., Hu, D. L. (2018) Rowing jellyfish contract to maintain neutral buoyancy. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. Vol 8. pdf
  7. Noel, A., Hu, D.L. (2018). The tongue as a gripper. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221(7), jeb176289. pdf
  8. Ren, J., de Gunten, N., Konstantinov, A.S. Vencl, F. V., Ge, S., Hu, D. L. (2018) Chewing holes for camouflage. Zoological Science.  pdf
  9. Spencer, T.L., Lee, A. Hu, D.L. (2018) A biomimetic nose for advanced threat detection. HDIAC Journal. pdf


  1. Phonekeo, S., Mlot, N., Monaenkova, D., Hu, D.L., Tovey, C. (2017) Fire ants perpetually rebuild sinking towers. Soc. open sci. 2017 4 170475; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170475.   pdf
  2. Noel, A., Guo, H.-Y., Mandica, M., Hu, D.L. (2017) Frogs use a viscoelastic tongue and non-Newtonian saliva to catch prey. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2017 14 20160764; DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0764. pdf
  3. Amador, Guillermo J., and David L. Hu. “Sticky Solution Provides Grip for the First Robotic Pollinator.” Chem 2.2 (2017): 162-164. pdf
  4. Amador, G., Matherne, M., Waller, D., Mathews, M., Gorb, S., Hu, D.L. (2017). Honeybee hairs are essential for pollen capture and removal. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics12 (2): 026015. pdf
  5. Yang, P.J., LaMarca, M., Kaminski, C., Chu, D., Hu, D.L. (2017) The Hydrodynamics of Defecation. Soft Matter.  pdf


  1. Tennebaum, M., Liu, Z., Hu, D.L. Fernandez-Nieves, A. (2016) Mechanics of fire ant aggregations.  Nature Materials. 15, 54–59 doi:10.1038/nmat4450 pdf
  2. Hu, D. L., Lefton, L., & Ludovice, P. J. (2016). Humour Applied to STEM Education. Systems Research and Behavioral Sciencepdf
  3. Marvi, H., Cook, J. P., Streator, J. L., & Hu, D. L. (2016). Snakes move their scales to increase friction. Biotribology, 5, 52-60. pdf
  4. Hu, D. L., Phonekeo, S., Altshuler, E., & Brochard-Wyart, F. (2016). Entangled active matter: From cells to ants. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 225(4), 629-649. pdf
  5. Phonekeo, S., Dave, T., Kern, M., Franklin, S.V. and Hu, D.L. (2016). Ant aggregations self-heal to compensate for Ringlemann Effect. Soft Matter. 12(18) :4214-20. doi: 10.1039/c6sm00063k.pdf
  6. Hu, D.L. (2016) A Fish Grew Legs and Other Tales. BioScience 2016; 66 (9): 792-793. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw094
  7. Hu, D.L. (2016) Confessions of a Wasteful Scientist. Scientific American link


  1. Dickerson, A.K, Shankles, P.G., Berry Jr, B.E., Hu, D.L. (2015) Fog and dense gas disrupt mosquito flight due to increased aerodynamic drag on halters. Journal of Fluids and Structures.   10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2015.03.016 pdf
  2. Amador, G., Mao, W., DeMercurio, P., Montero, C., Clewis, J., Alexeev, A., Hu, D.L. (2015) Eyelashes divert airflow to protect the eye.   Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 20141294. pdf
  3.  Dickerson, A.K., Liu, X., Zhu, T., Hu, D.L. Fog spontaneously folds mosquito wings. (2015) Physics of Fluids 27, 021901 pdf
  4. Guillermo, A.J., Durand, F., Mao, W., Sindhu, P, Hidetoshi, T., Vinh-Thanh, N., Shimayama, I., Alexeev, A., Hu, D.L. (2015) Insects have hairy eyes that reduce particle deposition.  European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 224, 3361–3377 pdf
Guillermo, A.J. and Hu, D.L. (2015) Cleanliness is next to godliness: mechanisms for staying clean.  Journal of Experimental Biology. pdf


  1. Yang, P.J., Pham, J., Choo, J., Hu, D.L. (2014) Duration of urination does not change with body size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. pdf
  2. Dickerson, A.D., Hu, D.L. (2014) Mosquitoes actively remove drops deposited by fog and dew. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi: 10.1093/icb/icu042 pdf
  3. Foster, P. C., Mlot, N. J., Lin, A. and Hu, D. L. (2014). Fire ants actively control spacing and orientation within self-assemblages. Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 2089-2100. pdf
  4. Dickerson, A.D., Shankles, P., Hu, D. L. (2014) “Raindrops push and splash flying insects.” Physics of Fluids. 26, 027104. pdf
  5. Levy, R., Lichtman, F., Hu, D.L. (2014) The Scientist-Reporter Collaboration: A Scientist’s Guide to Working with the Press. Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) News, Volume 47, Number 3, April 2014, pages 5-7. pdf


  1. • Marvi, H, Bridges, J., Hu, D.L. (2013) “Snakes mimic earthworms: Propulsion using Rectilinear Traveling Waves, ” Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 10: 20130188 pdf
  2. • Amador, G., Yamada, Y., McCurley, M., Hu, D. L. (2013) Raindrop acceleration in splash-cup seed dispersal.  Proceedings of the Royal Society: Interface. 10: 20120880. pdf


  1. Dickerson, A., Mills, Z. & Hu, D. L. (2012) Wet mammals shake at tuned frequencies to dry. Journal of the Royal Society Interface pdf
  2.  Dickerson, A., Shankles, P., Madhaven, N., Hu, D. L. (2012) Mosquitoes survive raindrop collisions by virtue of their low mass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (25) 9822-9827. pdf
  3.  Marvi, H. & Hu, D. L. (2012) Friction enhancement in concertina locomotion of snakes.  Journal of the Royal Society Interface. pdf
  4.  Gravish, N., Franklin, S.V., Hu, D.L. & Daniel I. Goldman. (2012) Entangled granular media.  Physical Review Letters. 108, 208001 (journal cover). pdf
  5.  West, D., Lal, I., Leamy, M. & Hu, D.L. (2012) Locomotion of Mexican Jumping Beans. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.  7: 036014 (12pp).  pdf
  6.  Hu, D.L. (2012) Electromechanics for the Twenty-first century.  Bioscience.  62 (1): 94-95.  pdf
  7.  Hobbs, W. & Hu, D.L. (2012) Tree-inspired Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting.  Journal of Fluids and Structures. 20: 103-114. pdf


  1. Marvi, H., Meyers, G., Russell, G. & Hu, D.L. (2011) Scalybot: a snake-inspired robot with active frictional anisotropy. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference Proceedings. pdf
  2. Niu, J & Hu, D.L. (2011) Drag reduction of a hairy disk. Physics of Fluids.  23: 101701 (4 pages). pdf
  3.  Hu, D.L., Sielert, K., Gordon, M. (2011) The strength of turtle shells and mammal skulls. Journal of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 6 (9-10): 1197-1211. pdf
  4. Mlot, N.J., Tovey, C.A, Hu, D. L. (2011).  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 108: 7669-7673.  pdf
  5.  Hu, D. L. Richards, P. & Alexeev, A. (2011).  Mechanics of giant pumpkins: how extreme weight determines shape.  International Journal of Nonlinear Science.  pdf

2009 – 2010

  1. Goldman, D. I. & Hu, D. L. (2010). Wiggling through the world. American Scientist 98, 314–323.  pdf
  2. Bush, J. W. M. & Hu, D. L. (2010). Walking on water. Physics Today 63, 62–63.  pdf • Hu, D. L. & Bush, J. W. M. (2010). The hydrodynamics of water-walking arthropods. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 644: 5-33.  pdf
  3.  Hu, D.L., Nirody, J., Scott, T., Shelley, M.J. (2009). The mechanics of slithering locomotion.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 106, 10081-10085.  pdf

2006 – 2008

  1. Bush, J.W.M., Hu, D.L. and Prakash, M. (2008). The Integument of Water-walking Arthropods: Form and Function, Advances in Insect Physiology, 34, 117-192.  pdf
  2. Hu, D.L., Goreau, T., Bush, J.W.M. (2008). Flow visualization using tobacco mosaic virus. Experiments in Fluids. 46: 477-484.  pdf
  3. Hu, D.L., Prakash, M., Chan, B. and Bush, J.W.M. (2007). Water-walking devices, Experiments in Fluids. 43:769–778.   pdf
  4. Bush J.W.M., Hu D.L. (2006). Walking on water: Biolocomotion at the interface.  Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 38: 339-369.   pdf

2001 – 2005 

  1. Hu, DL., Bush J.W.M. (2005). Meniscus-climbing insects. Nature. 437: 733-736. pdf
  2. Hu, D.L., Mendel L., Chan B., Goreau T., Bush, J.W.M. (2005). Visualization of a fish wake using tobacco mosaic virus. Physics of Fluids. 17: 091103.   pdf
  3. Hu, D.L., Chan B., Bush J.W.M. (2003). The hydrodynamics of water strider locomotion. Nature. 424: 663-666.  pdf
  4. Hu, D.L., Chan B, Bush J.W.M.  (2003). Water-walking. Physics of Fluids. 15 (9): S10.  pdf